Managing Early Successional Habitats

A primary initiative of our Land & Water Management Plans is to protect and enhance biodiversity – the variety of habitats and species supported by our nature preserves. While some cover types such as mature forest are self-sustaining and their habitat quality often improves with age, early successional habitats like grasslands, meadows, pastures, shrublands, and […]

Invasive Plant Management Update

A New Ornamental on the Loose Invasive plants are one of the most significant threats to natural communities within Steep Rock’s preserves. By outcompeting native species for resources altering soil properties in their favor, and having few, if any, natural enemies, invasives degrade the overall health of entire ecosystems. They are a daunting conservation dilemma […]

Prized Vernal Pools: Hotbeds for Spring Wildlife

Grab your rubber boots and polarized glasses. It’s not too late to explore a vernal pool near you. Vernal pools are woodland depressions that hold water in Spring and then typically dry throughout Summer. Several amphibians are dependent on the temporarily inundated environment for breeding and offspring development. Vernal pools provide habitat for a host […]

Macricostas Preserve Grows

As one drives and rides around the periphery of Lake Waramaug or boats its waters, you can’t help but notice the lush, unfragmented forested hillside looming over the lake’s northeastern bank and Route 45. This wildland extends to the ridgetop, through Pinnacle Valley, and across Meeker Swamp where Macricostas Preserve spans 500 acres.SRA is thrilled […]

Let River Rocks Be

Many of us share a favorite “dog days” activity of swimming in the river, but it is important to recognize that the Shepaug and other watercourses are sensitive ecosystems increasingly stressed by low flow and warm water during the months of summer. Watercourses are very complex and dynamic environments that should not be altered solely […]

Summer Study and Notes from the Past

barred owl fledgeling

July is a fascinatingly wild time of year. Life histories of organisms spanning all taxonomic kingdoms converge, forming a bustling and bursting environment that beckons for natural study. Learn about biodiversity in the preserves and the interconnections that shape natural communities through our experiential “Notes from the Field” articles posted on the website. This selection […]

A Strategic Piece to the Conservation Puzzle

Steep Rock Association

With the growing and widespread threats of development, habitat loss, and climatic shifts, now more than ever, it is critical to think in a regional context and act to address our piece of the greater conservation puzzle. How do our actions fit into the big picture of conservation? What habitats are limited in the landscape […]

Look Through the Lens

The adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” rings true for Steep Rock Association. Photography is an incredible tool for performing scientific research, telling the story of our conservation impact, and highlighting the importance of open space. This year, we aim to increase photographic documentation of the preserves, and we encourage other preserve goers […]



Born and raised a fisherman, the progression of my year is closely tied to insect hatches.  Trout is the quarry of choice and so I often find myself on the banks of the Shepaug River.  Keen eyes examine anything in flight, anything swimming, anything floating on the surface, and anything eddying through inside bends of […]



  July 8, 2016 The buzz of bees catches my attention while on the trail above the Tunnel in Steep Rock.  I give a quick look around the ground to confirm I haven’t disturbed a yellow jacket nest.  Yellow jackets usually are aren’t a concern until late summer, but the dry, hot conditions through June […]

Step into the intimate world of Diana Weymar’s textile art with an exclusive private preview of her latest exhibition, Everything I Touched, August 24 – October 19, 2024 with Kathy McCarver of KMR Arts. This private preview not only showcases Weymar’s distinctive pieces but also offers an in-depth look at the artist’s creative process and the motivations behind her work, which McCarver describes as an “intimate and human antidote to our loud, impersonal, mass-marketed world.” Private opening of the artist or preview before the opening with small group of people. Propose you pick an artist you’re excited about and do a private preview with cocktails and discussion.

Courtesy of: KMR Arts

Opening Bid: $250
Value: $400

Matching Gifts

 Did you know many companies match donations made by employees, employees’ spouses, and retirees, allowing employees to DOUBLE their generosity and impact? 

Contact your employer today to see if they will match your gift.


 If you are 70½ years of age or older, you can take advantage of a popular gift option called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) also known as a IRA charitable rollover.  QCDs offer simple ways to benefit Steep Rock and receive tax benefits in return.

To learn more, visit here.

Stock or Wire

If you’d like to give a gift via wire or stock, please reach out to for our account information.


You can donate through your donor advised fund in just three clocks on our website
When granting through your donor-advised fund, please use the following information:

Our legal name: Steep Rock Association, Inc.
Tax ID: #06-6069060
Mailing address: PO Box 279, Washington Depot, CT 06794

Check Donations

Please make checks payable to Steep Rock Association. Our mailing address is:

Steep Rock Association
PO Box 279
Washington Depot, CT 06794