Commercial Use Policy
Steep Rock Association Land, Inc.
Commercial Use Policy
In order to curb unauthorized commercial use of Steep Rock Association’s preserves, the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the following policy regarding commercial use of its preserves.
Historically, Steep Rock Association, Inc. (“SRA”) has kept a close eye on the use of its preserves. As a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of its landholdings, and intending to make the preserves which constitute a portion of those holdings available for the use of the citizens of Washington and surrounding communities, without charge, for passive recreational purposes, it is important that the preserves be protected against unauthorized commercial use for which neither SRA nor its intended users derive any benefit. Furthermore, since some of SRA’s properties are subject to restrictive covenants which expressly prohibit any commercial use, it is incumbent upon SRA to ensure that it adopts and publicizes policy in accordance with those restrictions. However, recognizing that there may be circumstances which cannot presently be foreseen in which such uses, if not in violation of existing restrictions, might be beneficial to SRA’s intended users and capable of being conducted in a manner that is neither detrimental to the preserves or to SRA’s 501(c)(3) status, any policy should provide for exceptions on a case by case basis as are approved by the Executive Director and/or the Board of Trustees.
For the purposes of this policy, “commercial use” is intended to mean any use made of the SRA preserves by any for-profit organization or any organization charging a fee for such use. It is not intended to include agricultural uses for which SRA charges third parties incidental and nominal fees. Nor is it intended to encompass camping or picnicking or similar activities conducted by local individuals and organizations for which SRA may impose a fee intended to compensate SRA for administrative costs associated with monitoring and permitting such uses. Finally, “commercial use” shall not include non-profit fundraising or educational endeavors conducted with SRA’s permission. This policy is not intended to supercede the requirement that any use of the SRA preserves of 25 or more people by any individual or organization requires a permit.
Commercial use of the SRA preserves is not allowed without a permit issued by SRA’s Executive Director and/or Board of Trustees, and that the users have provided satisfactory evidence of liability insurance coverage naming SRA as an additional insured. This policy shall be made public and posted on SRA’s website and kiosks in order to discourage unauthorized commercial use.
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