Pets in Our Preserves

Your pets are welcome at all Steep Rock Association nature preserves that are open to the public. When visiting our Preserves with your pets, please help us protect this land you treasure by abiding by the pet rules. These rules help protect you, your pets, and the flora and fauna that call our nature preserves […]
“Bear” In Mind It’s Fall Foraging Season

An increase in black bear sightings throughout Town and encounters in residential areas are to be expected this time of year. Bears are actively seeking calorie-rich foods to build fat stores for winter and will take advantage of anthropogenic sources when made available. Please do your part to avoid conflicts and prevent individuals from obtaining […]
Report Large Mammal Sightings

Have you seen a black bear, coyote, bobcat, fisher, or river otter when hiking in one of our preserves? Prepare yourself for reporting your next large mammal observation. The data you collect will help us better understand species’ distribution, population dynamics, and movements. It’s as simple as 1-2-3. Download the ArcGIS Survey123 App on your […]
Take Action for Wildlife Conservation

Bobolinks are one of Connecticut’s most iconic grassland birds and an important part of our heritage. Their population has shrunk by 60% over the last 50 years, and conservation scientists predict that this precipitous decline will continue. A critical threat to bobolinks is the loss of habitat. They migrate over 4,000 miles to Connecticut from […]
Surveying for Shepaug Eagles

The Midwinter Eagle Survey is a research project designed to monitor the status and detect trends of wintering eagle populations in the United States over time. Here in Connecticut, Steep Rock Association has coordinated a consistent effort to survey the entire Shepaug River with the help of dedicated community scientists. Each individual or party within […]
Cold Water in a Warming World

In recognition of a rapidly shifting climate and increasingly pronounced weather events, Steep Rock Association (SRA) has proactively managed our preserves to enhance their climate resilience – the ability to resist and recover from climate-related disruptions. The ecology of rivers and streams are particularly vulnerable, not only to prolonged droughts and severe floods, but also […]
Macricostas Expansion
Grand Opening Above (from left): Boulders Trail Leadership: Steep Rock’s Mike Giapponi, John Santoleri, and Robby Barnet, November 19, 2022. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all the people who joined us on Saturday, November 19th for the Grand Opening of the Boulders Trail, a new, 1-mile sustainably built hiking trail in Macricostas Preserve that […]
Hillside Farm Protected: The Power of Preservation Partnership
Steep Rock Association is thrilled to announce the newest addition to its preservation portfolio – Hillside Farm. The 86-acre property located on Nettleton Hollow Road at the junction of Washington and Woodbury is a mosaic of prime farmland and critical habitats including meadow, forest, wetlands, and streams. This exciting acquisition, made possible through public/private partnership, ensures […]
Remarkable Returns on your Conservation Investment
Stewardship of our lands and waters for biological diversity, ecological integrity, and passive recreation is a complex endeavor. Planning and permitting, consultation and coordination, equipment and resources are just some of the pieces necessary to effectively implement conservation projects. We engage in habitat enhancements and scientific studies to make informed decisions on how to best steward our lands. Thank you for making a conservation impact with your support, which has enabled us to: Conduct targeted research on imperiled species […]
Preserving an Agricultural Legacy at Johnson Farm
Photo: Haley Bates This past summer, SRA staff and dozens of volunteers worked tirelessly to construct new hiking trails at SRA’s newest publicly accessible nature preserve, Johnson Farm. The trails at Johnson Farm meander through pastures and active agricultural fields, skirting a series of stone walls that perfectly frame the breathtaking hillside panorama to the […]