Prized Vernal Pools: Hotbeds for Spring Wildlife

Grab your rubber boots and polarized glasses. It’s not too late to explore a vernal pool near you. Vernal pools are woodland depressions that hold water in Spring and then typically dry throughout Summer. Several amphibians are dependent on the temporarily inundated environment for breeding and offspring development. Vernal pools provide habitat for a host […]
VISTA Summer 2013
What’s in this Issue: From the Executive Director, Respecting rules; Explorations in nature events; Pets and wildlife; Save the Date, Annual Picnic; and New Trail maps. Read this issue: VISTA Summer 2013
VISTA Fall 2009
What’s in this Issue: Judea Garden at Macricostas; Steep Rock challenge: Landscape your yard for Wildlife; Native plants; Steep Rock Members; Shepaug River; Montessori students volunteer; and New Trustees, Waddy Davidson, Larry Gendron, and Eliot Johnson. Read this issue: VISTA Fall 2009