Prized Vernal Pools: Hotbeds for Spring Wildlife

Grab your rubber boots and polarized glasses. It’s not too late to explore a vernal pool near you. Vernal pools are woodland depressions that hold water in Spring and then typically dry throughout Summer. Several amphibians are dependent on the temporarily inundated environment for breeding and offspring development. Vernal pools provide habitat for a host […]

It’s that time of year again when thrushes and warblers serenade forest dwellers, buds burst, and a rejuvenated environment even teases of summer with an occasional tree frog sounding off. For Steep Rock Association, these cues trigger a certain stewardship action being the monitoring of our critically-important vernal pools. A balmy rain-soaked night has aroused […]
VISTA Summer 2015
What’s in this Issue: Vernal pools; Steep Rock Vision; New Trustees; Students lead Judea Garden; Explorations in Nature events; Reich Bridge reopens; and The Van Sinderen family and Hidden Valley. Read this issue: VISTA Summer 2015