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Walking in the woods after a fresh snowfall is always a serene experience, the silence and solitude seem to echo infinitely amidst the landscape of whites, green and greys, as though the entire natural world was at rest, if only for the day. In these moments, I’m always reminded of the quiet rhythm of winter, a season that demands reflection. As I look back at the year just closed, I’m so appreciative of the hundreds of volunteers who have contributed thousands of hours of time keeping these wild landscapes beautiful and vibrant. Of course, here at Steep Rock the task of stewarding our 2,800 acres of preserved lands and 47 miles of trails never fully rests, even in the winter months, as we spend the season assessing the successes of the past year and eagerly preparing for the one ahead.
And what an exciting year we have planned, with new trails on the horizon and numerous stewardship initiatives underway, from invasive species management to infrastructure improvements! So, this year, as I reflect on what is to come, I resolve to be grateful, not only to the volunteers and donors who support our mission but also for the flora and fauna that inspire and make that mission so worthwhile – thank you, all! If you too are grateful for our nature preserves and the wildlife that call them home, please join me by signing up to volunteer here.
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