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Much more stirs in Steep Rock Association (SRA) preserves nowadays, and no, I am not referring to the recent influx of hikers seeking respite from COVID-19 constraints.
Breeding season is underway for many of the wild inhabitants that call SRA preserves home. It is an especially vulnerable time for them. Raising offspring requires a tremendous investment of parental energy and young are very susceptible to predation or starvation.
Such is the case for bobolink, a grassland bird that flew all the way from southern South America to nest in the Macricostas Preserve hayfield. Turtles are feeling sexy now too and will soon be digging nests in soft substrate for their clutch. In our forests, vernal pools are full of water, hosting sensitive frogs and salamanders whose eggs have been slowly developing over the last month. For many mammals, breeding season isn’t quite here yet, but they’re movements have increased to forage and find a mate.
Please help us protect wildlife during this crucial time in their lives by marveling in the natural world from established trails and most importantly, keeping dogs leashed. Countless babies depend on it.