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Nature provides us with the opportunity to rejuvenate and explore. We asked visitors to share memorable experiences they have had in our preserves. Please enjoy reading about these priceless moments, and be inspired to create your own.
“Today was my first day hiking the trail to the lookout, a gorgeous day with old friends.” – LM
“Hiking to the pinnacle in Hidden Valley this summer with my mom, my kids, nephews, niece, and sister and remember how we used to go up there in the 1970’s and 1980’s to celebrate our birthdays and do some fun family hikes. It all goes full circle — and we come back home.” – LD“I came here in the snow with my friend to train to hike Mt. Washington.” –GC
“My favorite things to do in Steep Rock is bounce on the bridge over the Shepaug, and visualize life flowing in and out from both sides.” – KK
“Running on the trails and jumping in the river afterward, then laying in the fields to dry off.” – WC
“The accidental discovering of Holiday House which caused me to research it and write a 24 page monograph.” – TH
“Snowshoeing to the pinnacle in the winter and a morning hike with my wedding party in July!” – LC
“Wonderful for kids, parents, & grandparents. Children loved reading and looking for the fox on the StoryWalk. The hayride was great too! Wonderful staff and fun!” – DS
“Once I came here on a walk and we were hiking for a little bit and Mommy forgot the way. And then we had to figure out how to come back and we walked a lot farther than we thought we should go.” – AR
“I saw a caterpillar and named it catty.” – CG
“Down from the pinnacle, I did get quite a scare, from a lowly-poly, black bear!” – CR
“A recent hike off Sabbaday down to the quartz mine was WONDERFUL.” – DF
“A recent late-afternoon walk in Macricostas was a magical experience. Numerous wildflowers – golden rod, loose strife etc. – added a wonderful glow to the fields. A low-flying blue heron added an atmospheric touch. Thank you!”—JD
Have a memorable experience at one of Steep Rock Association’s preserves? We would love for you to share it with us! E-mail, and have your story shared.
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