As one drives and rides around the periphery of Lake Waramaug or boats its waters, you can’t help but notice the lush, unfragmented forested hillside looming over the lake’s northeastern bank and Route 45. This wildland extends to the ridgetop, through Pinnacle Valley, and across Meeker Swamp where Macricostas Preserve spans 500 acres. SRA is thrilled to announce that a 15-acre portion of this area has been added to its portfolio of protected lands. As a result, it will remain in its pristine natural condition and receive stewardship that promotes the quality of its wildlife habitat and function of natural communities. The significance of the property’s position in the landscape cannot be understated. Lying directly adjacent to Macricostas Preserve and sharing a 1,056-acre core forest, the land allows wildlife with large home ranges to move freely, meet their needs, and find available options when forced to adapt to a changing climate. The seamless combination of Lake Waramaug and mature forest has been rightfully recognized as an Important Bird Area by the Audubon Society, supporting a wide range of bird species and taxonomic families, many of which are imperiled by decreasing habitat availability. Majestic tree specimens and dense stands of mountain laurel anchor the steep slope, sequestering carbon and preventing impairment of water quality in Lake Waramaug and the East Aspetuck River. Our sincere thanks and commendation to Charles Eaton for donating this conservation worthy land and supporting SRA’s mission. His contribution will be felt town- and region-wide by Connecticut wildlife and residents alike.