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Photo: Rory Larson
Interested in beaver? Or perhaps ecologically and ethically responsible solutions in addressing beaver activity that conflicts with human interests?
If so, then Macricostas Preserve is the place to go. Sunrise and sunset are the best times to see these aquatic rodents in Meeker Swamp. While you’re at the crossing on Meeker Trail, don’t miss SRA’s latest solution to prevent flooding of the bridge and boardwalk as a result of beaver dams.
A water level control device has been installed that permits water to flow through the dam unbeknownst to beaver. The inlet is placed far from the dam in deep water and surrounded by a metal cylinder that excludes beaver from getting close enough to detect the flow of water. By raising and lowering the outlet at the dam, the water level can be manipulated to minimize the threat of trail flooding, maintain enough water to encourage continued beaver occupancy, and maximize wetland habitat.
I just want to take this moment to thank both Michelle Randall and Eva Jones for their time and positive energy during their internships with us at Steep Rock Association (SRA).
Michelle was the creator of this months e-news that you received today. She has been an amazing office assistant with the day to day functions of SRA.
Eva has been creating, overseeing, and distributing all of our social media content. She was with us 100% remotely for her internship.
Thank you so much ladies for all that you have done for us during your internship here at Steep Rock Association. We wish you all the best as you return to school.
Kelly E. Sarandrea, Office Manager
Newsletter Subscription