2021 Interns

Steep Rock’s eight-week paid internship program immerses students in all aspects of our organizational operations, helping them to build leadership skills and learn about a variety of conservation, environmental, agricultural, and nonprofit career paths. At the same time, Steep Rock’s interns offer valuable support that helps our land trust meet important goals. 

Meet our 2021 Interns:

2021 Interns at Steep Rock

Judea Garden

Judea Garden Interns support our community-based agriculture program while learning about current food issues. Interns learn to identify and control insects, diseases and weeds, use succession planting to ensure harvesting through the fall, harvest and distribute foods, and participate in all garden tasks.  Sponsors: Special thanks to the Washington Garden Club and the Washington Scholarship Fund for sponsoring these two internships! 

Adrianna Gottmeier (left): Freshman at the University of Southern Maine. Major in Environmental Planning and Policy, minor in Environmental Science. Loves most about Steep Rock: Our beautiful rivers and trails!

Charlotte Zapletal: Freshman at Wesleyan University. Major in Biology, minor in Environmental Studies. Loves most about Steep Rock: Our commitment to conservation and the land preservation.

Judea Garden Interns


Van Sinderen Conservation Interns help complete a wide variety of field-based projects, including wildlife habitat improvement, invasive species removal, biodiversity studies, trail maintenance and construction, campsite prep, visitor relations, and more.   Sponsors: Special thanks to Yardscapes and the Washington Scholarship Fund for sponsoring these two internships! 

Van Sinderen Conservation Interns

Hannah Pryor (right): Freshman at Paul Smith’s College. Major in Fisheries and Wildlife Science.  Loves most about Steep Rock: How interconnected all the trail systems are and how all the preserves work together to promote conservation 

Erich Nitchke: Senior year at Central Connecticut State University. Major in Biology with concentration in Environmental Science. Loves most about Steep Rock: You can always find something new no matter how many times you go through the preserves.


The Administrative Intern gains hands-on experience in office and non-profit administration, including researching and archiving records, fielding public inquiries and camping requests, editing SRA’s website, and designing flyers, newsletters, and other materials.  Sponsors: Special thanks to the Washington Scholarship Fund for sponsoring this internship! 

Denise T. Community Engagement Steep Rock Intern focuses on multimedia development and outreach activities. Projects may include creating marketing and fundraising materials on Steep Rock’s preserves, our history, conservation efforts, and programs and activities. Sponsors: Special thanks to our Trustees for sponsoring this internship! 

Hannah Lawlor (left): Senior, Thomaston High School.  Loves most about Steep Rock: How this nonprofit finds a way to keep the beautiful preserves running, have outstanding employees, and always find a way to cater to the community in the best ways possible. Steep Rock isn’t just breathtaking views, it’s also a community of people who care for it.

Haley Bates: Senior, Southern Connecticut, Business Administration Major with concentration in Marketing. Loves most about Steep Rock: It demonstrates time and time again how deeply it cares about the community.  

To learn more about sustaining or growing Steep Rock’s Internship program, please contact Denise Arturi at Steep Rock Association.