It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village to Build a Garden and a Garden to Feed a Community

Judea Garden is celebrating its 10th season of providing fresh, organic produce for its neighbors in need. Over the past nine season we have grown, harvested and delivered 33,000 pounds of food. None of this would have been possible without the help of hundreds of volunteers building, digging, weeding, driving, serving, writing, advising, donating and any number of tasks to keep Judea Garden going. Thank you all for making this project grow.

The reward for all who contribute their time to Judea Garden is knowing they are improving the livelihood of their friends and neighbors. Hearing feedback like the quote below from the New Milford Food Bank is enough to keep one coming back year after year to keep growing and giving.

What a delight it was to have available such deliciously fresh produce to keep our community neighbors healthy. So many people came early for the Food Bank and waited for your weekly deliveries! Our community individuals and families were so very pleased to have something special every week to add to their daily menus. Those vegetables have made a world of difference to a lot of families and we certainly appreciate the time spent, and the thoughtfulness of you and your fellow gardeners.

So who are these caring individuals who contribute every year to Judea Garden’s success in its mission? We invite you to meet them….

From young to a little older

From Students to Teachers

From national interns to local interns…

We all come together

To feed our neighbors

As Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity International, said, “For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people’s love and concern for each other.” Judea Garden has proven that Washington and the surrounding towns are a whole and healthy community.  We are so grateful for all of the volunteers who have come together over the years.

To find out more about Judea Garden or how you can become involved contact Denise Arturi at or 860 868-9131