Year In Review

This holiday season, a time to reflect…   

As the year draws to a close and we celebrate the holidays, Steep Rock Association would like to share our appreciation for your support with our “Year in Review” portfolio. 

Join me in reflecting upon the past year at Steep Rock and what we love about living, working, and being in Washington, CT. 

For nearly a century, Steep Rock Association has worked to enhance the quality of life in our town.  

The lands that Steep Rock preserves provide pristine habitat for wildlife, natural filters that cleanse our drinking water, tillable land for farming, and protection from everchanging climate conditions.  

Steep Rock’s stewardship offers glimpses into our history, feeds our neighbors in need, and provides endless miles of trails for you and your friends to enjoy.  

And our programs and events celebrate the natural and human world, inspire children to learn about the environment, and engage citizen scientists in studying our flora and fauna and how to protect them. 

Can you imagine Washington without Steep Rock, Hidden Valley, Macricostas and Johnson Farm Preserves, or Judea Garden? I can’t. But we can’t succeed without you.  

Help us continue to save land, protect vital resources in and around Washington, and inspire future generations to love the natural world. Please donate today. Your gift, no matter how big or small, matters today and for generations to come.   

Wishing you abundance in the year ahead, 

Brian Hagenbuch, PhD
Executive Director