Judea Garden Spring Cleaning Day, Sun., April 6, 2025

Judea Garden has been growing vegetables for our neighbors in need for 16 seasons. Our vegetables are available at the New Milford Food Pantry and the Warren/Washington Food Pantry. Get the Garden ready for the upcoming season and maybe get some seeds in the ground!...

Judea Garden 124 Christian Street, New Preston, CT, United States

Judea Garden Early Spring Planting Day, Sun., April 13, 2025

Plant those cool weather plants and get a jump start on the season and harvesting. Judea Garden supports local families in need with fresh, healthy produce including tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, and more. It has also become a vital community hub where volunteers unite to cultivate...

Judea Garden 124 Christian Street, New Preston, CT, United States