Judea Garden

Located at Macricostas Preserve
124 Christian Street, New Preston, CT 06777

Judea Garden began in spring 2009. Where the community comes together to provide fresh produce for members of our community with limited financial resources.
Judea Garden has been growing vegetables for our neighbors in need for 16 seasons. Our vegetables are available at the New Milford Food Pantry and the Warren/Washington Food Pantry. Produce will be available from the Garden for those who need it at the red Camp House at 124 Christian Street from Monday, July 8th through October 15 from noon-5PM.

About Judea Garden

Judea Garden located at Macricostas Preserve, literally blossomed as a result of donations of cash and sweat equity by close to 100 individuals, schools, religious and civic organizations and businesses.

Curious how we open the garden each season?

CLICK HERE to view our Judea Garden StoryMap learn more and meet some of the amazing people at Judea Garden.

Where Volunteers Till the Soil To feed their neighbors!

CLICK HERE to volunteer today.

Our Sponsors

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A Cool 16 Seasons

Judea Garden is thrilled to announce the commencement of its 16th season and the celebration of the Garden, the People and their Stories. This remarkable milestone highlights a decade and a half of hard work, dedication, and community involvement that has allowed the garden to flourish and provide fresh produce for the less fortunate in the region.

The Washington Giving Garden supports local families in need with fresh, healthy produce including tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, and more. It has also become a vital community hub where volunteers unite to cultivate the land and make a difference.

Judea Garden’s 16th season showcases their unwavering commitment to fighting food insecurity. From a small patch of land, it has grown into a sustainable operation, feeding countless families in our community. The garden has also served as a model for other organizations and communities to follow, inspiring similar projects in the region and beyond.

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Goals For Judea Garden

Our goal for the future is to ensure the sustainability and security of the program itself. Please help us make a difference.

  • Donations of time, money and gardening items (shovels, rakes, etc.) will be gratefully accepted.
  • To make a tax-deductible donation, please send a check – payable to Steep Rock Association, with “Judea Garden” on the memo line.

Steep Rock Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 279
Washington Depot, Connecticut 06794-0279

Distribution Information

Judea Garden distributes weekly at the following locations:

Washington distribution is located at Macricostas Preserve in the red house at 124 Christian Street, New Preston and takes place on Mondays at 12:00 – 5:00 from July through October.

The Warren/Washington Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 10 am-12 noon at the Community Center, 7 Sackett Hill Rd and is open to all residents of Warren, Washington and New Preston.

New Milford Social Services Food Bank hours are Thursdays only from 9 a.m. until 2p.m. at the Social Services office, 2 Pickett District Road.

Delivery details

Depending upon the time of the season available produce might include broccoli, mustard greens, Swiss chard, lettuce, rhubarb, tomatoes, beans, summer squash, winter squash, eggplant, peppers, peas, carrots, cauliflower, raspberries and herbs. Produce is available to those who need it. For more information email denise.arturi@steeprockassoc.org or call Denise Arturi at (860) 868-9131.

Judea Garden Volunteers

Volunteers are the backbone of Judea Garden. Without them, we would not be able to bring fresh produce to those in need. There are so many ways to help, whether in the Garden itself, helping with distribution or doing supportive work that keeps the Judea Garden project going. There’s a place for every volunteer to use their skills or develop new ones.

Volunteer in the Garden

  • Adopt a Crop – Grab a bunch of folks, pick a crop and off you go. You plant, weed, water and guide the crop to fruition.
  • General Volunteer – There is always so much to do in the Garden and many crops to take care of. You don’t need to know a lot about gardening, just be willing to help out. You can come on  when Denise is in the Garden (email her to check for days) or come when your schedule allows, checking the notice board outside the garden for tasks that need to be completed.
  • Harvest – During the main growing season we harvest Monday and Wednesday mornings and need many hands to pick, weigh and pack the produce for distribution.
  • Take a look at our Volunteer Guideline for more information. Judea Garden Volunteer Guidelines

Volunteer Distribution

  • Drive produce to food banks, either weekly or when needed.
  • Set up distribution in Washington: helping to set up, label and organize vegetables.
  • Breakdown distribution: packing any leftovers for further distribution and cleaning tables.

Volunteer Supportive Help

  • Communications (Thank you notes, newsletter, emails)
  • Public Relations
  • Garden photographer
  • Events (Open Garden Day)
  • Create recipes for recipients that make use of vegetables grown in Judea Garden

Directions To Judea Garden


Located at Macricostas Preserve
124 Christian Street, New
Preston, CT 06777
