Citizen ScienceNotes From The FieldScientific StudyWildlife
Beckoning Bats
October is Bat Appreciation Month.
Connecticut’s nine different bat species are simply amazing creatures that play the important role of keeping insect populations in check. Unfortunately, they face a number of threats. This summer, Van Sinderen Conservation Interns Ben Armas and Grace Zona investigated habitat preferences; specifically, what bats require to successfully rear young. Their efforts resulted in the installation of a bat house in Macricostas Preserve where we hope to see mothers and pups residing in its warm, narrow chambers during summer months. Our thanks to the Barr Family and Washington Primary School students for building the perfect accommodation and collaborating for bat conservation.
To learn how to report sightings and promote and protect bats, check out CT DEEP’sBats in CT. We also invite you to participate in the Bats Count program with White Memorial Conservation Center.
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Citizen ScienceNotes From The FieldScientific Study