Our Preserves

Steep Rock Association’s 4 unique preserves offer some of the most beautiful hikes in Northwest Connecticut. Spanning over 47 miles, our trails offer everything from a leisurely stroll along the Shepaug River to more rigorous hikes leading to spectacular views. Trail maps are located in the kiosks at the entrances to each preserve and highlight the distance of each blazed trail.

Our Sponsors

Hidden Valley

Northeast of Washington Depot is Hidden Valley, 940 acres of mixed forest and meadows crisscrossed by nearly 20 miles of trails that offer a variety of terrain for hiking.

Steep Rock

The 998-acre Steep Rock Preserve offers hiking trails which follow the river banks and provide access into the hillsides above.


The unspoiled land – a mix of meadow, farmland, wooded ridge and wetlands — sits just north of Route 202, opposite the junction of Route 47, and makes a magnificent natural gateway to the town.

West Mountain

West Mountain Preserve, located in the southeast corner of Washington, comprises two distinct properties: Johnson Farm and Hillside Farm.

Judea Gardenat at Macricostas Preserve

Judea Garden began in spring 2009. Where the community comes together to provide fresh produce for members of our community with limited financial resources.

Latest News

Honoring Major Stephen C. Reich As we celebrate Steep Rock’s Centennial in 2025, we reflect on the people and places that define our history. This month, we honor Major Stephen Reich, a local hero whose dedication to his community and...

https://vimeo.com/1038598599?share=copyEvery stream, every patch of forest, every bird protected, and every project undertaken by Steep Rock staff and volunteers this year is because of you. Your generosity and belief in what we can achieve together have made this a truly...

Steep Rock Association was a partner organization in a CT Department of Agriculture "Climate Smart Ag" grant awarded to the Northwest CT Land Conservancy (NCLC). SRA enabled two Washington farms—Averill Farm and Waldingfield Farm—to construct high tunnel hoop houses to...